Diana and I took a trip to the mountains with Brandon and Allison last weekend. Brandon and I went up a few hours before the girls so we could drive the mountains. We (read: I) had a few car problems I had to work out, and the weather stopped us once so we got there later than we would have liked. We did get in one really good ride even though it started raining on the way back.

Following Brandon on the dirt road wasn't the best. When we first got to it, it was dry and extremely dusty. Then my side pipe fell most of the way off and was dragging the ground occasionally. I didn't realize it had fallen most of the way off so I was just driving REALLY slow thinking that the dinging sound was rocks being kicked up. After we fixed that problem, we made pretty good time up the mountains, but I still breathed in a LOT of dust and dirt.

The scenery was AWESOME and we had a great time. We'll be heading up there again soon. I would have enjoyed some cruising along the blue ridge pkwy.