Tom had mentioned an interest in working on removing some wiring harnesses with me, although I expect he was mostly interested in the dash and rear harnesses which are now done (sorry), but that let me to work on the convertible top. I broke loose all the huge bolts and undid all of them. After working through some tool failure (ahem, the socket wrench) all the bolts were off and I decided to try to lift it out. The canvas top is connected to the car by the most retardulous design. You can't lift it up because the canvas is connected, and you can't undo the canvas because the thing is all sitting on top of it. Even after I pulled it up and rested it on the little back windows O_o I discovered another inconvenience - ford used crap nuts (yes folks, crap nuts) to hold the canvas on. They are something like 16mm 20 point nuts made of extremely soft plastic. Diana put it best when she said they might be made out of chocolate. I don't have anything that can get them off and I pretty much ruined one with a pair of pliers. It's irritating anyway because you can't expose the second one until the first one is off and you lift the top up more. Look at the picture of this crap nut.

So although I only got to check off 2 items for the donor list (fuel inertia cutoff switch and rear wiring harness) almost all the sellable items are off the car. Pretty much the only things left are the side skirts and the convertible top. The rear quarter panels are welded on unfortunately so I don't think I'll be getting them off. Now I just need a genius way to sell all this crap off...
Again I must remind you that you have poor, poor taste in cars and could be working on something like this:
Or if you continue to insist on the Cobra, at least put in this engine:
The Buy It Now is UNDER $20,000! How can you turn that down?
Once a Logan, always a Logan.
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