Josh M came over today and we knocked out the front and rear suspension. We came up with a pretty great plan that will eliminate the need for an engine hoist at this stage of the game. Which means that I can get the tear-down done quicker. Although the suspension was a pretty big triumph, it came at a price.
1. I banged my wrist and it's swollen up now :-(
2. I had to spend $122 on tools (I knew this was coming though)
3. Josh cut his finger trying to get the driveshaft bolts off.
4. I broke my camera.
The night came to a close around 10:45 when we both needed to get some other things done. All in all very successful. The rear end is mostly disconnected and the front suspension is totally off.
I was taking some pictures at the end of the night and dropped my camera which broke the zoom lens and now it is stuck closed. DOH! I'll upload some pics tomorrow - meanwhile go vote in my poll from the last post!
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