I wrapped up a bunch of loose ends on the chassis and then got to work preparing for the engine install. First I removed the smog related stuff and removed the belt and cleaned it up a bit. It's certainly not a show-queen, but it's a lot better :-P Then I put the dead-pulley in place where the A/C compressor was and re-routed the belt. After that I bolted the transmission mount up to the frame.

So left to do before installing the engine and transmission are these:
1) Fix a broken exhaust manifold stud and a stripped stud. I want someone who has done this before to help - I'm nervous because the aluminum block is softer than the stud.
2) Re-route the EGR using the smog pump stuff. (requires some ingenuity and welding). I need someone who can weld to hook me up on this one.
3) Block off all open EGR, smog, and vacuum openings. I hear that the EGR port is really hard to block off because the threads are odd shaped. Hopefully the smog port wont be too bad. I might just order an EGR blockoff kit just for the EGR plug. What to use to block off the vacuum lines? I heard irrigation plugs will work.
4) Swap out the oil pan. I can't do this one until the engine is up on the hoist. That should be fun...
You can get vacuum caps at most auto parts stores. Packs of ~5 caps are, like, $2.
Here's a search at Autozone.com:
And here's Advance Auto Parts:
Also, have you thought about painting your exhaust manifolds? Header paint's a little more expensive than regular spray paint, but not incredibly so: it's like $10. You could do shiny, or just black. Either way looks better than, you know, rust.
Good to know about the vacuum caps - I'll have to pick up a pack. I have thought about painting the exhaust manifolds. In fact, I painted with VHT flat black about a month ago :-P Definitely a good idea - they probably wont be too visible in that engine bay, but yeah...rust looks bad.
The the gods proclaim! The SCRUM MASTER. KING OF THE UNIVERSE! (Start Derek Sherinian key riff)
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