We had to make an emergency run to Ace hardware to get a special tool. Even in the Cobra we only got there with 5 minutes to spare. But we found what we needed and came back to get started. After setting the windshield at a 53 degree angle and cranking it down, we got started drilling some of the holes and installing the ferrules. After that we pulled out the hardware and assembled it on the body. We draped the soft top over just to get a feel for how much clearance there will be. Honestly, there is a lot more room inside than I expected. And although this little paragraph doesn't make it sound like there was a lot - quite a bit of work was involved in all this. Plus, the engine was hot from driving to Ace hardware :-)
Left to do is install a couple of snaps on the body, drill 2 post holes per door, install the snap grommets on the soft top, stretch & fit the top, contact cement it to the boughs and install the bough snaps. I'll probably have folks come over and help with this too because if the contact cement portion goes anything like the dashboard cement, I'll need all the help I can get!
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