I got some new stuff to report: first big news - I finally got 'Toast tuned. I'm putting down 275 rwhp and 280 tq.
I started working on my alignment a bit too. I need to take the passenger side tie rod off and shorten it, but in the meantime I compensated on the driver side. This means my steering wheel isn't centered and I can not turn as far to the left as I can to the right. But at least the wheels are straight.
Dyno Run
Great numbers man! Does it feel any different driving it around or is it about the same?
I did a HUGE 2nd gear burnout that smoked up the inside of the car pretty good :-) I would say there is a little more pull.
Sweeeeeeetttt! Was this at Fastlane?
Oh man, awesome and congrats!
Nah it was out in the country near my house.
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