First off - I have turned off the comment moderation on the blog - I had to turn it on because I was getting some comment spam that was a major pain to sift through and delete. You'll still have to be moderated before your post will show up if the post is older than half a month.
2nd off - I let Brandon drive the cobra to Los Tres today for his birthday. It's really weird to ride in the passenger seat =) Thanks for not crashing it into anything B-zone! Actually, a good job adjusting to it, I know it's a bit odd to drive at first.
Lastly off - On the way home today I drove passed a young guy on a bike in my neighborhood, who turned around and followed me home to ask me some questions about the car. His name was Nathan and he seemed like a pretty cool kid. We chatted for probably an hour about cars in general. It was nice to get a fresh perspective from a younger generation of car enthusiasts. He seemed to appreciate all types of cars right off the bat which is really cool! It took me so long to have a broad appreciation of cars. I was always swayed by public opinion at the time - either 'muscle cars are stupid because they can't turn worth crap on a track' or 'ricer imports are stupid'. I feel like it took me a long time to gain that wide lens perspective on cars - from enjoying a powerful muscle car, to a sup'd up civic, to a perfectly balanced car like the WRX or RX-8. I took him for a quick spin around the block which he seemed to really enjoy.
I really enjoy Shelbatoast if for no other reason than the excellent conversations it gets me into. On the way home, a guy in a 'murdered out' Charger rolled down his window beside me just to hear the engine sing.
PS. I can't wait for the final gear and new tires =)
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