I've gotten a little ahead of myself on the blog here, being so excited about having the engine in. I need to go back and document a few other things that have happened. And in no particular order they are:

1. Here is the view of the car from the front as it stands right now. The radiator is not completely installed yet.

b) With a bit of riveting help from Diana's brother, Milton, I have completed the battery box mod. This sinks the battery below the trunk so you have more space inside the trunk. It's pretty tightly squeezed between the gas tank and the differential plate, but there is just enough room for movement. (Unlike the driver's footbox - lol, sigh)

D. Thanks to the most excellent welding skills of Mr. Josh Minorics, the EGR was successfully routed to the old smog pump bung and the other 2 open bungs were welded shut for good. In this pic you can see at the bottom where the smog pipe is welded to the larger EGR pipe. Most excellent :-)
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