But not literally unfortunately. Just moving along real well now. With the engine in I'm freed up to do a LOT more stuff. Yesterday, I did these:
1. Mounted the seats
2. Adjusted and 'set' the steering wheel
3. Finished bolting on the oil pan
4. Installed the driveshaft
5. Installed the clutch cable
6. Installed the accelerator cable
Everything went great until I got to the accelerator. When I was mounting the accelerator bracket to the engine, I broke the bolt off. I had to rig something up to fix this mistake, but only after cutting the broken bolt and nut off the accelerator cable (very carefully!) Here is a picture of the ugly bracket.

While I was bolting my bracket up, I dropped it and it fell. It fell bad. It fell under the intake manifold so I could barely even see it. I couldn't reach it with pliers and couldn't grab it with a hook. So I got a magnet off the fridge and tried to lower it down with a zip tie. It was too big, so I smashed it with a hammer and tied some thread around it. I tried fishing it out, but it kept swinging to the side and hitting some magnetic object. I eventually stuck the magnet to a socket extension and was able to fish it out that way.

Here is the driveshaft - looking down from above.

Thought you might enjoy this picture showing you just how much room there is between the driver footbox and the engine. None! It's pushing it in about a half inch - and that's after I ground away some of the engine material.
Nice work bud, you are rolling! I see your MacGyver skills are coming in handy.
Isn't that lack of engine compartment space a bad thing? The engine is going to move in the engine bay when torqued and it's going to rub a hole through that footbox. Or do I not understand the picture?
It might eventually, but it will torque the other direction, so it will take awhile. And when it does I'll just fab up something. I MIGHT deepen that wall a little bit, but I really don't want to reduce the footbox size.
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